When journalist Kalpana Mohan made a study of her father, it began as an analgesic for his mild depression. She was, and had been for three decades, living in Saratoga, CA, while her father resided in the place of her youth, Chennai, India. Her telephone interviews were conducted daily. Before hanging up, she would give her father some bit of homework to complete before their next conversation. He undertook those assignments with meticulous care. Thus began what would become Kalpana’s recently released memoir: Daddykins. Her astute observance of details and wicked humor are sure to enliven what could easily have become an overly sentimentalized accounting of an adored man’s life by his equally adored daughter. The final chapter of Daddykins was written from his bedroom following his lasts breaths that were to be had on Fathers Day 2014. Surrounded by his most personal of belongings, she wrote for days to capture both the ordinary and the extraordinary in her beloved parent.